am not an expert.
studied psychology for three years. I had a brief stint with Childline and I counsel (I say this loosely) my friends
when they're in need, but I am far from qualified to talk about this topic.
Nevertheless, I have made a few observations about Japan and it's attitude
towards mental health issues, and I have also come to the following conclusion:
seems to be no real acknowledgement of mental health in this country.
have seen countless people running around who I know have issues but they're
allowed to roam the streets freely. People who shout, clap, make other strange
noises, people who talk to themselves or who try to talk to other people even
though it's obvious that they're not in their right mind.
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Photo courtesy of Exposing the Truth |
booked an appointment to see a psychiatrist. I filled out a form and spent no
more than a couple of minutes in the room with the doctor who asked me all of two questions and immediately prescribed
me medication to help me "relax". I remember thinking "that was quick; that was easy". If
I was a drug addict, I'd know where to go next time. But in the UK, it's not
common practise to prescribe medication to just anyone. I would assume that
with the prescription of drugs would come a little bit of counselling too and
there just didn't seem to be any of that.
what I've heard, mental health, other disabilities and associated issues are
often swept under the carpet. As a teacher, I've met children who have had clear
behavioural problems that often go unacknowledged by the parent. None of the
teachers were trained to deal with that sort of thing but we were expected to
deal with it anyway, no matter how taxing or difficult it made teaching the
people don't want to acknowledge that their loved ones may be suffering with
something because in Japan, mental illness is seen as a sign of weakness, or a
sign of "bad blood". And no one wants to be seen as "that family" with "that kid". He's just 元気(genki) - energetic, is all.
There's nothing wrong with my son. He's completely normal.
you know, it's not dissimilar from the black community too. Things are
changing, but older generations didn't like to acknowledge mental illnesses
either. A case is point happened to me during university when I had a bit of a
dark period. My grandmother's solution was to simply "put it out of my head". But it's never that simple is it?
isn't to say that Japan is a complete lost cause however. I've seen some
families where a member is clearly unable and the family members appear to be
taking care of them. I see a lot more of them now then when I first arrived in
Japan. But I don't think Japan is the kind of country that likes to talk out
it's issues.
words like 我慢
(gaman) - perseverance - and 頑張る (ganbaru) - to do
one's best - people are encouraged to overcome all obstacles; large and small.
But when they can't gaman or ganbaru anymore, what can they do and who
do they turn to?
said it before, but I think Japan is a country that - while very advanced in
terms of technology - it's about fifty years behind in terms of interpersonal
and sociological development. I don't think I'll see a dramatic shift in my
generation, but I hope Japan takes the steps towards taking better care of the
psychological well-being of its inhabitants and removing the stigmas attached
to mental health issues.